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No Shame


    Growing up as a triplet, sharing a room with my brothers, AND taking part in team sports and frequenting locker rooms – it all meant I had pretty much no shame and reservations when it came to being naked in front of other guys. I remember watching TV when I was younger, and some sitcom would have a scene where the butt of the joke (no pun intended) was someone being walked in on while they were showering or changing. The laugh track would roll, and I would think "Why is that funny? Isn't everyone naked when they're showering?"

    Of course, I knew that when girls were present, things were a bit more delicate. Still, I enjoyed being shirtless in public whenever I could. As I grew and my body developed, I noticed more and more girls paying attention to it. I loved girls; how they thought they were being discreet while looking, but then they would turn to their friends and start to snicker. How they blushed when I would catch them looking and shoot them a smile. At first, pretty much all girls were shy like that. Then as we got to middle school, some of them began to be more "forward," opening the gates to a lot more fun.

    That was about the time that my brother Finn and I began to have our first girlfriend. It was also the time when our brother Mason told us he was gay, something that came as no big surprise to the rest of the family. I felt bad, because he never had any dating prospects at our old school, so I hoped that things might change for him when we moved to Stag Meadow Lane and started a new school.

    As for me, I found myself just as popular at the new school as I was before. Even more so, considering I was now one of the "new kids." There were a ton of interesting (and interested) girls, so I started testing out the waters. Not too long after, I would have a regular hook-up buddy… it just wasn't who I ever expected!

    All of the neighbors on Stag Meadow Lane seemed very nice. The principal of our school, Principal Keith Osborne, actually lived on our street; as did Douglas Whitfield, our state's senator, which I thought was pretty cool. 

    Right next door to us were the O'Haras. Neil O'Hara was a neurosurgeon, so he seemed to be at work a lot. His wife Tiffany "ran her own business," which in her case meant making jewelry and selling it online. I have no idea if any of it made her money, or if it was just a way for her to kill time while living the life of a trophy wife.

    Either way, I bumped into Mrs. O'Hara a lot, since she had the tendency to walk her dog at the same time as I went for my morning run. On our third or fourth run-in, she offered me a job: helping her with the gardening. I'd done stuff like that for neighbors before so I was happy to take it; I was just surprised cuz the O'Haras certainly looked like they could afford professional landscapers.

    I was no fool. I could tell Mrs. O'Hara was coming on to me. It only became more and more obvious as we spent time together, just the two of us at her house, drinking lemonade for an hour after doing twenty minutes of gardening work. This went on for weeks, but it REALLY picked up right after I turned 16. One day, when I was particularly dirty, Tiffany told me I should take a shower before sitting down on her white couch. 

    "Why don't you use the shower upstairs? It's much nicer than the guest shower," she winked at me. I lived right next door, so taking a shower here at all made no sense, but she was hot enough for me to enjoy the little flirtation we had going on. I took her up on her offer, and went to use the shower in the bathroom adjacent to her and her husband's bedroom. Five minutes later, I wasn't surprised to see a naked Mrs. O'Hara joining me in the shower and volunteering to rub my back.

    My dick got hard before she'd stepped both feet fully into the shower. As someone who had an attractive mom, I often had to put up with my buddies joking about my mother being a milf. Now, I got to live out that fantasy with Mrs. O'Hara. She was very hot, and I don't know if it was due to her age and experience, but she was also VERY good with her hands and tongue. She sucked me off in the shower, and by the following week we were full-on fucking. 

    One thing that made this experience feel so new wasn't even the fact I was fucking an older, married woman – it was the fact that I couldn't tell my brothers about it! I usually told Mason and Finn everything. With my past girlfriends, my brothers would get a play-by-play as soon as the hookup was over. Because we shared a room at the time, Mason and Finn would often walk in on me, and if the girl wasn't shy I'd just keep going. But now with Mrs. O'Hara, I kept my siblings in the dark. As cool and as open-minded as my brothers were, I knew their reaction to this would be "Wyatt, what the fuck are you doing? Cut it out immediately."

    With one car among the three of us, my brothers and I were used to carpooling and calling shotgun. Today, though, I'd volunteered to be the one sitting in the back on our way home from school, as Mason drove and Finn took the passenger seat. The reason for that was: I was in the midst of a steamy sexting session with Tiffany, so I wanted some privacy.

    "Send me another vid," I asked her, smirking in the backseat. My brothers, who were busy talking about a U.S. History exam we'd had today, weren't paying much attention to me, which suited me just fine.

    "Here," Mrs. O'Hara sent a clip of her playing with herself. 

    I felt my dick stir, and I discreetly reached down to give it a rub. Although my brothers and I had walked in on one another jacking off countless times, it still wasn't something that we would openly start doing in each other's presence; especially in such a confined space as a car. Still, the video I was watching was making me so hard and horny that I couldn't help myself. Merely a minute later, I was hard as a rock and unable to stop rubbing my boner through my jeans.

    "How do you think you did, Wyatt? Another B?"

    "Huh?" I said. I'd been so engrossed in my phone that it took me a moment to realize Finn was talking to me and asking me a question.

    "How'd you do on the test?" Finn repeated, making eye contact with me in the rear view mirror.

    "Okay, fine, whatever," I replied, trying to act casual about my hand being on my crotch and pass it off as if I were just adjusting my nuts.

    "Cool," Finn grinned in the mirror, before turning back to Mason and carrying on their talk about school.

    "I'm in the car with my brothers," I texted Tiffany, "hard as a rock because of you."

    In response, I got another video, even more close-up and explicit than the previous one. I could feel myself leaking precum into my boxer briefs by this point. I HAD to do something about my erection, and my married lover was only encouraging me to be naughtier.

    Acting carefully, I pulled down my zipper and struggled to pull out my boner as stealthily as possible. Once it was out, I snapped a pic to send to Mrs. O'Hara, letting her know the effect our sexting sesh was having one me. 

    "Naughty boy 😈," she replied.

    I was no longer even pretending to pay attention to whatever my brothers were talking about. I used my backpack to hide my cock from view as much as possible, and I went to town, stroking with my right hand while holding my phone with my left. Feeling frisky, I even shot a short video, making sure to capture the backs of my brothers' heads as I jerked off less than two feet behind them. 

    "so fkn horny I cant hold back," I struggled to type with one hand. My right hand was gliding up and down my shaft, while my piss slit oozed enough precum to provide sufficient lubrication. My brothers and I were all cut, and I know that we all preferred to use lotion or lube while jacking off. For years now, we'd been exchanging tips on which brand was the best to use. If one of us ever ran out, he would just help himself to a bottle from someone else's nightstand. 

    As the car moved over a couple of speed bumps, it actually made for a shockingly pleasant experience. I felt my balls bounce and hit my thighs, building up cum that needed to shoot out soon. I stroked faster and faster, looking around for something to shoot my jizz in so I don't make a mess. With nothing else to use, I realized I would have to cum in my own hand.

    Putting the phone down, I placed the palm of my left hand right in front of my cockhead. I could feel myself dangerously close and I relished the ecstasy. I actually wished I could ask Mason to drive over another couple of speed bumps to push me over the edge. Just as that thought crossed my mind, Mason shouted out my name from behind the wheel.


    "What?" I jumped. I held on to my throbbing cock, as letting go and moving my arm would probably bring more attention to it.

    "I said, what do you feel like having for dinner? Mom asked us to pick something up," Mason repeated his question which I hadn't heard.

    "Man, I don't care. Get whatever – mmmmm – get whatever you want."

    In the middle of saying that, I was overcome with an intense orgasm, shooting a large load in my outstretched hand. I did my best to control my voice and not seem suspicious, but I couldn't help but breathe more rapidly. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation, hoping my jizz would all land in my hand rather than all over the car.

    As soon as I was done nutting, I knew that I had to dispose of the evidence. Moving quietly, I brought my left hand up to my mouth and slurped down my jizz, licking my hand when I was done to make sure it was all clean. As I tucked my dick away and zipped up my jeans, I made eye contact with Finn in the rearview mirror once again. He was grinning ear-to-ear and shot me a wink, as he said to Mason,

    "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry for some protein. Let's get burgers for dinner."

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