My mom and pops weren't nearly as slick as they thought they were. When it came to their sex lives, I knew way more than I led on. When I was probably Niles's age, I started to notice the "looks" my parents gave some of their friends. The "jokes" that they thought went over our heads. What solidified my suspicions a few years back was hearing my mom talk to her girlfriend in Spanish. She never taught me and thought that I couldn't understand, but I'd picked up enough in the streets of New York... especially the sexual parts. From what I could gather, my parents were both into men and women and occasionally hooked up with others, either on a one-night basis or as longer-term relationships.
It might come as a surprise to them that I didn't give a shit about any of that; I was too occupied with my own sex life (or lack thereof). At the time, none of my best friends were "down with that gay shit," which might make them sound like assholes but I knew they were good kids, just... misguided. We played a lot of sports, especially basketball, and as we went through puberty it was increasingly difficult not to focus on their developing bodies and bulging muscles whenever we'd play shirtless, even though I didn't want to perv on my buddies. I knew I could talk about it to my folks but honestly, who the fuck wants to talk to their parents about sex?
When they said we were moving to some hick town, I literally looked into options to stay by myself in New York, maybe live with a friend or something, but my parents wouldn't hear of it. So they dragged me here against my will, but I guess the one good thing that came out of it was meeting David and Sven.
From the day I met our new neighbors, I knew I was into them. Yes, they looked hot and shit but it was more than that, it was their... attitude. It was so goddamn sexy! They answered the door shirtless, even though they were meeting us for the first time. They both looked so hot in their shorts, especially Sven, whose white shorts were basically transparent, so much so that I could make out his pierced dick. I'm just glad my folks didn't turn around right there and then and said "C'mon kids, we're going home."
I was jealous of my little brother for getting to spend so much time at our neighbors' house after becoming close friends with their son. Of course, Niles and Eric were still too young and it all went over their heads; although, they were in the sixth grade now, so I guess they might start experimenting soon – if they hadn't already.
A couple of months after moving in next to the Hillbeckers, Eric was celebrating his 11th birthday. Apparently he didn't want to invite any friends other than Niles, which struck me as very sad when I thought about it. Did he not have any friends at schools? Did parents here tell their kids not to hang out with the kid raised by two homos? Niles was always a bit of an outcast as well, so I was glad that they two boys had each other now.
Eric's birthday fell on a Thursday and he wanted to celebrate it the following weekend. Since that also happened to be the last weekend before Halloween, it was decided to merge the two events. David invited all of us to their house for a daytime costume party, after which the boys would watch all the Harry Potter movies and have a sleepover.
"Dad, do you still have your pharaoh costume?" I asked my father, who a few years ago went out to a Halloween party dressed as a shirtless pharaoh, rocking a loincloth and headpiece, and nothing else except for jewelry. Back then I didn't think twice about it but looking back, it might've been an "adult-themed" party they were going to, especially since my mom never even showed us the costume she had under her coat.
"Um, are you sure that's what you wanna wear to Eric's birthday?" Dad asked.
"Yeah. The weather's still nice enough to go for a swim in their pool, so I want something that's easy to take off. I'll just wear speedos underneath."
"Do you even own speedos?"
"No, I was gonna ask if you do. Otherwise I might borrow some from David."
Even though he looked surprised by my sudden request to wear his clothes, my father acquiesced and gave me the pharaoh costume and a pair of yellow speedos. I'd never seen him wear these to the beach (we always wore board shorts) and when I put them on I was surprised to see how small they were – even by speedo standards. The front barely contained my dick... which meant they were PERFECT for showing off in front of Sven and David.
My parents went the more traditional route; my father dressed as a werewolf and mom as a vampire. Eric and Niles were both dressed as Hogwarts students, and I was disappointed when Eric's parents answered the door wearing wizarding robes. I'd been hoping to see David and Sven in something slutty, but this was the most clothes I'd ever seen either of them wear!
We gave Eric his present and went to the dining room. Everyone sat at the table, except for the two boys, who were running around casting imaginary spells at each other with their wands. David went around the table pouring some wine for everyone, and when he got to me I was surprised to hear my mom say to my dad "I think he's old enough to have some wine."
My father agreed and I had my first drink in front of my parents (after years of doing it behind their backs). The kids joined us at the table for lunch and a couple of hours later, my parents were ready to go back home. Niles would be staying over, of course, and my folks asked me if I would be coming home with them.
"Um, it's kinda sunny outside, so I was thinking of going to the pool," I said. (Sven immediately gave me a smirk.) My folks told my brother to listen to Eric's parents, and then they left. Ten minutes later, I was in the Hillbeckers' backyard, shedding my pharaoh's outfit and getting down to my dad's obscenely small swimwear.
"You look nice," David said, licking his lips and eyeing my trimmed pubes, which were fully visible. "C'mon, let's all go upstairs and change as well."
Eric and Niles were the first ones to run back downstairs, each of them dressed in a pair of Eric's speedos. They sprinted past me and cannon-balled inside the pool, splashing around loudly. Eric's dads came downstairs a couple of minutes later. They were rocking speedos as well; David a black pair and Sven a white one. Apparently, they were determined to one-up me, since their swimwear was EVEN smaller. A couple of inches of David's crack were visible in the back, and in the front of Sven's speedos, there was even a small gap between the material and his skin. His bulge was so big that he couldn't even tie the drawstring properly, and his cockhead and Prince Albert were clearly outlined once again.
We jumped in the pool, swam for a bit, and splashed around with the boys. Since we weren't as hyperactive as they were, the three of us decided to move to the hot tub after a while. Eric and Niles were both good swimmers and they stayed in the pool, squirting water guns at each other as the afternoon started to turn to evening.
David and Sven were the first ones to get into the hot tub. Going in after them, feeling naughty, I decided to sit smack-dab in the middle, even though there was plenty of room on the other side.
"Excuse me," I said, butting my way in between, with David on my left and Sven on my right.
"Are those your speedos?" David asked, looking down and trying to spot my package through the bubbling water.
"They're my dad's," I answered, tilting my pelvis higher up so my bulge would be more visible. "I asked to borrow them."
"You and your dad are both pretty hot," David said, reaching down between my legs and cupping my junk with his left hand. I was sure he knew all about me jerking his husband off at the gym. He quickly checked to make sure the boys weren't looking, and he started to rub my bulge. It soon made my dick too big for the confines of the speedos so it popped out, and David wrapped his fingers around it, making skin-on-skin contact. Even after only a couple of seconds, I could tell he was very skilled with his hands.
"Does your father know you fool around with other guys?" Sven asked.
"No, but he wouldn't mind. I know he does as well."
David and Sven didn't seem surprised to hear me say that. It made me wonder if they'd ever fooled around with my dad. I definitely wouldn't put it past them, or him for that matter. This was a small town, and the fact we all ended up living next-door to each other felt like serendipity.
The handjob David was giving me got more and more intense and pleasurable. Sven kept an eye out on the pool, but soon he was tempted to touch my cock as well. He reached in with his right hand, interlocking fingers with his husband around my cock. I'd never gotten a double handjob like this before, and it felt amazing! They both stroked my cock simultaneously, squeezing their knuckles together, which made for an incredible sensation. I parted my lips and looked left to right, hungry for a kiss. The two men could feel me asking for it. At the same time, they leaned to the middle and we started triple-kissing – another thing I'd never experienced before. The loud noise from the pool let us know Niles and Eric were too enthralled in their water war to be paying attention to us. As the three of us kissed, the handjob only got more intense, bringing me close to the edge. I was mad at myself for getting there so quickly but considering everything that was happening I don't think anyone could blame me.
I lifted my ass and started humping the married couple's interlocked hands. After years of growing up with no hookup buddies now here I was, hooking up with the two hottest men I could imagine. I fucked both of their hands, picking up speed, feeling the burn in my thighs and glutes, until...
"AHH! ARGGHH!!" I moaned out in their faces, trying to keep the noise down to a minimum as several ropes of cum shot out of my teenage cock and floated around the hot tub. David and Sven kept jacking my cock until they were certain every last drop was out. I was so fucking sensitive, and the hot water only increased the sensation, that I started to feel a weird combination of pain and pleasure at the same time.
"Okay, okay, that's it!" I caved in after a while, and the two devilish men finally released my cock. We shared another triple kiss, and I felt a pleasure and happiness like I'd never felt before.
"Wanna stay over for movie night?" David offered, speaking softly in my ear.
"I'd love to."