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The New Neighbors

This story is a prequel to My Boyfriend and My Two Dads

Read the main series here ≫


— August 2007 —



    With only a week to go until the start of the school year, our son still begged us daily not to make him go back. Eric hated middle school. Well, all kids hate middle school, but Eric was used to getting his way. He knew that if he pleaded enough, his father and I might just let him be homeschooled. 

    I wasn't completely opposed to the idea, unlike my German husband. Since homeschooling kids was basically unheard of in Europe, Sven insisted that it was best for Eric to go to school and socialize, and learn to take the good with the bad.

    "Daddy's home!" Sven yelled out as soon as he was in through the door. It was Saturday morning, and he was returning from his morning jog.

    "Hey, Daddy," I went to greet him at the door. He was near-naked, wearing only sneakers and a pair of short Adidas shorts that didn't conceal anything except the bare minimum. Sweat dripped down his body as I leaned in to kiss him and tweak his pierced nips, which sat at the center of his muscular pecs. At 41, my husband had become the quintessential muscle daddy! 

    "Seems like we're getting new neighbors," he said after a few seconds of making out. "Someone's moving into the Browns' house."

    "Aha," I said, not too interested in the story and focused on something else, as I slid my hands down my husband's back and into his shorts, giving his glutes a firm squeeze.

    The Browns used to be our nearest neighbors, but still their house was a few minutes' walk away from ours. We had our privacy here, which was just the way we liked it.

    "I invited the new family over for lunch tomorrow," Sven continued, as I moved my lips down and started kissing his neck. 

    "Oh? So you talked to them?" I asked, then moved down Sven's chest with my lips, closing in on his left nip.

    "Well, I talked to the mom. She's here with her husband and two kids. Doesn't look old enough to have two kids, though. Kept eyeing my package the entire time."

    "Mmm," I moaned as I took Sven's nip in my mouth and gently bit on it. With my left hand, I started squeezing his bulge just as he talked about it. I knew my husband loved showing off, and even though he preferred a male audience, he didn't mind being admired by women as well. In my hand, his bulge was already growing rapidly, so I began to stroke it slowly.

    "Fuck. Where's Eric?" my husband moaned, turning rock hard in my hand.

    "Up in his room, reading."

    "Well bend over, pig," Sven commanded authoritatively.

    "Yes, Sir!" I was only too happy to obey. I turned around and pulled down my white briefs, which were the only item of clothing I had on this early in the morning.

    My husband spat into his hand loudly, and inserted his thick fingers between my asscheeks. I wanted to moan in pleasure, but held back from being too loud. It was risky enough that we were doing this right in the hallway, instead of our room with the door closed.

    "Look at that fucking hole! Wide open already," my husband commented as he finger-fucked me with two fingers. He was right: my asshole was putting in no resistance. I'd woken up horny this morning (like pretty much every morning most of my life) and I'd been looking forward to Sven returning home and giving me a good fucking.

    Just then, Sven inserted a third, and then a fourth finger inside me. "AHH!!" I moaned powerfully for a second, unable to control myself.

    "Keep it down, pig!" Sven grabbed my mouth with his left hand and pulled aggressively. He was rough, and I was in heaven as he continued to finger my ass.

    "Mmm," I whimpered, briefly running out of breath as Sven's large hand covered my nose and mouth. 

    "I told you be quiet!" he said, then pulled his fingers out of my hole and gave my ass a smack. It was ironic, telling me to be quiet, when the smack he gave me echoed all throughout the house.

    "Sorry, Sir. Please, fuck me, Sir," I begged, bending down and presenting my hunky husband with my ass.

    Sven didn't need any more convincing. He started to push his thick dick inside my hole, and I began to moan out loud, ignoring everything else.


    Suddenly, I heard our son's bedroom door opening upstairs, and he yelled out from his room.

    "Yes, honey?" I said, just as my husband's cock slipped inside of me balls-deep. I tried keeping my voice as neutral as possible, which wasn't easy.

    "When are we having breakfast?" Eric enquired with another yell.

    "Soon, honey. Just – ahh! – just a few more – mmm! – minutes."

    "Okay. Just hurry up, please, I'm hungry."

    "You hear that, pig? Your son's hungry. You better make him something to eat," Sven whispered in my ear, choking me with his left hand while thrusting back-and-forth inside my hole fast.

    "I will, Daddy, I will. Just please give me a load first," I begged. I couldn't possibly wait until after breakfast, and I was hoping Sven could get the job done in a minute or two.

    "You fucking pig," Sven continued to talk into my ear. "You hear that? Eric didn't shut the door upstairs."

    That meant we needed to be even more quiet. I bit my bottom lip, trying to keep my voice down as Sven pounded my ass faster and faster, getting ready to deposit a quick load.

    Luckily, my husband was just as horny as I was. He was nearing the edge; I could tell as his dick grew even larger inside my hole, almost ready to burst.

    Just then, loud footsteps started thumping down the stairs. Eric was coming down!

    "FUCK!" Sven swore into my ear just as he started shooting his cum. I felt him filling up my guts with his load, and I started to get weak in the knees. He removed his hand from my throat and I finally took a deep breath, enjoying the sensation of the air filling my lungs just as Sven's cum coated my insides. 

    Merely a second or two later, we both started to reach down. I pulled up my underwear and Sven pulled up his shorts just as our son reached the bottom of the staircase and turned to face us. Quickly, we adjusted everything as Eric smiled and said,

    "I can help you with breakfast."

    "Thank you, honey," I said, trying to catch my breath. "Go to the kitchen and I'll be right there."

    Eric ran off, and his father placed his hand inside the back of my briefs.

    "Push it out," he ordered, speaking directly in my ear again.

    I carried out his instruction and pushed until I could feel his babies leaking out of my hole and onto his hand. When I was done, Sven carefully took his hand out and placed it against my mouth once again.

    I parted my lips and swallowed my husband's jizz, licking his hand clean. 

    "Some extra protein for breakfast," he said, before smacking my ass and heading upstairs for a shower.

    As for me, I went into the kitchen, where our son was waiting for me, taking stuff out of the fridge.

    "Morning, Dad!"

    Before I knew it, Eric accosted me and came in for a good-morning kiss on the lips. Taken aback, I stood still until it was done. Then, I licked my lips, feeling the taste of his father's jizz still on there.



    Our old neighbors, the Browns, seemed like rather conservative people. Luckily, they were the kind of conservative that minded their own business and never really cared much what we were up to as long as we weren't in their way.

    So far, I'd only met the matriarch of the new family next door, but judging by her I had a feeling they'd be much cooler. Yasmin was probably in her late 30s, although she could pass for someone much younger. She looked to be a mix of Hispanic and black, and she'd just moved here from New York City.

    "I'm a photographer," she let me know on Saturday when we bumped into each other on my way home from my morning run. "I've been shooting city life my entire career, but I'm here for a new project. I wanted to photograph nature in this part of the country, go outside my comfort zone a little bit."

    "That's interesting," I said, and invited her and her family over for a poolside lunch the following day. 

    As every Sunday morning, I was the first one up and went for a morning jog once again. When I came back, David was still asleep, so I tried to be quiet on my way in and out of the shower. Once I was done, I crept downstairs and made a protein shake before heading to the living room for some TV.

    "Morning, Dad!" my son startled me. He was sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of cereal and watching some reality show.

    "Morning, champ," I replied. I was still naked, but made no effort to cover up. Growing up, I saw my parents naked plenty of times, as well as my extended family and friends whenever we'd go to one of East Germany's popular nudist areas. I wanted to relay the same kind of body positivity to my son, especially since he was growing up in a more prudish environment. 

    "Is Dad still asleep?" Eric asked. 

    "Yup. I'm sure he'll be up soon," I said while shaking the shaker up and down in a jerking motion. As I did so, my whole body wiggled, especially my cock and balls, which were swinging left-to-right against my thighs like a pendulum on a clock. "Don't forget, the new neighbors are coming over for lunch today," I reminded my son as he looked at me, and I went to sit down next to him.

    "Is what what you're wearing to lunch?!" David asked when he saw me a few hours later.


    "They're basically transparent!" he commented on the white shorts I had on, which were still very short but not as obscenely so as the ones I wore while running. 

    "If I gotta wear clothes, on Sunday of all days, this is as good as it gets! Besides, we're having barbecue by the pool. I thought you'd be wearing speedos."

    "You thought so, or you wanted me to?"

    "Maybe a bit of both," I said and stepped closer to start making out with David. Through the thin material of my shorts, my cock was already bouncing up and down and rubbing against my husband's thigh.

    At the end, I greeted the new neighbors in my white shorts, and David opted for a slightly longer and less transparent pair of green shorts. We both had our shirts off, as did Eric, who was wearing speedos and was all ready to jump in the pool.

    I was happy to see that Yasmin's husband Dolan was extremely handsome! It was always good to have some eye candy in the neighborhood. He was also in excellent shape, and I expected him to be some sort of athlete or something, which is why I was so surprised when he said he was a school teacher.

    "Starting next week, I'll be your science teacher," he told Eric. "You and Niles both."

    Niles was Dolan and Yasmin's son, who happened to be just a few months older than Eric. He'd come wearing board shorts, and the two boys ran off to the pool as soon as they could. 

    "And this is Bryce," Dolan introduced the last family member, a broody teenager who did not seem happy to be here (although his eyes did do a double take when he noticed David and me).

    I was right in assuming that our new neighbors would be much cooler than our last ones. Even though they were fully dressed, they didn't seem to mind that David and I didn't have much on. Indeed, after a while, their teenage son Bryce took his shirt off as well, sitting out in the sun and flexing his muscles.

    "You play sports, Bryce?" I asked him.

    "Bit of football, but not too serious. I go to the gym. At least I did, in New York."

    He rolled his eyes, and I realized that in typical teenage fashion, he was pissed off at leaving the city to come here to the middle of nowhere.

    "Our gym's 16+. I can get you started there if you want, I'm friends with the owner," I offered.

    "Really? Thanks," Bryce finally smiled.

    Lunch went well, even though I partly felt like I needed to be "on my best behavior," since we still didn't know these people. I was just too used to having gay male friends, who put up with all my sexualized jokes and nudity. Still, we had a good time, helped by all the booze the four of us were having.

    When I went to the kitchen to get more drinks, I suddenly ran into Bryce, who was on his way back from the bathroom.

    "Can I have one of those?" he asked when he saw me holding a few beer bottles.

    "Do your parents let you drink?" I asked.

    "We ain't gotta tell 'em," he grinned.

    "I don't think so," I laughed.

    "C'mon, man! I'm 17, you know I've had booze before."

    "No way, man," I said jokingly. Tipsy as I was, I stumbled and ended up face-to-face with Bryce, our noses just inches from each other. Instead of taking a step back, he remained in place stoically, still grinning.

    "Tell ya what," I said at a low voice. "I'm not giving you one of these. But I have no idea how many bottles are left in the fridge. If one of them were to disappear, I wouldn't know."

    "'Preciate it, man," the teenager said and licked his lips. "By the way, did it hurt?"

    "Did what hurt?"

    "When you got your dick pierced?" 

    Suddenly, I felt Bryce's hand on my bulge, squeezing it.

    "I can take pain," I replied calmly, and we stared at each other without blinking for a few seconds. 

    "Aight then," Bryce finally said with a devilish grin, and pulled his hand back, heading toward the kitchen.

    I looked down and noticed that, indeed, you could make out my Prince Albert through these shorts.

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